How To Change Your Strategy


Strategies available free in CoolTrade


There are 2 sources of strategies available for free to all CoolTrade members.

Community Strategies - Strategies which are supplied by CoolTrade and made available via the Strategy Wizard.   These strategies are updated occasionally with updates available for download anytime in the Strategy Wizard.  This includes the top performing strategies created by CoolTrade subscribers and displayed on the CoolTrade website Strategies link.


*Conservative Long and Short Strategy
Created in 2001, and updated with solid rules every year. Designed to cut stocks that are not trending up and lets the winners run.

*Aggressive Long and Short Strategy
This was originally the "Conservative Long and Short Strategy", converted by a CoolTrade subscriber to take greater risk for greater returns.

*SMA Long and Short Swing Trade Strategy
Created by a CoolTrade subscriber, this strategy has been the Top Trader on the CoolTrade website multiple days every week.

*$2 and Below Long Strategy
Created by the Sun City West, Arizona Investment Club. Only buys stocks under $2.00, and buys / sells as the stocks wiggle around (very popular for both small and large accounts).


2) Friends Lists – Strategies you can copy from other CoolTrade users once you obtain their permission by adding their email address to your Friends Lists.


Number of long and short strategies you can run on an account


        You can run one long and one short strategy simultaneously

        If you want to run more strategies, including for testing/simulation purposes, you can Open Additonal CoolTrade Accounts.

        Many users do this to test 1-2 strategies in simulation while running 1-2 strategies live.


When would you change your strategy?


1)   You’re not making as much as you thought you would


2)   You’re buying and selling less than 6 times a week


3)   You’ve heard of a better strategy that you want to try


4)   You just want to try something different



1)   If You’re not making as much as you thought you would


·        Go to the CoolTrade Home page and click on Strategies

·        It’ll show the monthly returns reported for the top 5 strategies

·       Then go to Community Strategies On Strategy Wizard where you can easily download the latest top user strategies.


2)     If you’re buying and selling less than 6 times a week

·        Go to the CoolTrade Home page and click on Strategies

·        It’ll show the monthly returns reported for the top 5 strategies

·        Then go to Community Strategies On Strategy Wizard where you can easily download the latest top user strategies.


3)     If you’ve heard of a better strategy that you want to try

·        Is the strategy on the Home Page under Strategies?

·        If so, then go to Community Strategies On Strategy Wizard where you can easily download the latest top user strategies.

·        If not, there are 2 more choices:

o   Additional Community Strategies On Strategy Wizard

o   Friends Lists Strategies


4)       If you just want to try something different

·        Is the strategy on the Home Page under Strategies?

·        If so, then go to Community Strategies On Strategy Wizard where you can easily download the latest top user strategies.

·        If not, there are 2 more choices:

o   Additional Community Strategies On Strategy Wizard

o   Friends Lists Strategies


How to download a community strategy from the Strategy Wizard

Go to your desktop and RIGHT click on Launch nswizard.exe

·     Sign in with your email address and password

·      Long Strategies are on the left and Short Strategies are on the right

o   This screen only displays 5 long and 5 short strategies at a time


·        Select which spot you want to copy the strategy to 

o   It will overwrite the strategy listed in that space

·        Select which strategy you want to download and to the right, click on “Options”


·          Click on the one you want to download - It will take a minute to download

·          Click the box in front of the strategy to activate it

·          Hit “Exit” from the Strategy Wizard

·          Go to your desktop and RIGHT click on Launch CoolTrade.exe and it will include your new strategy

·          Restart your Automated Trader to enable the new strategy to run


How to copy a strategy from the Friends Lists

Go to your desktop and RIGHT click on Launch nswizard.exe

·        Sign in with your email address and password

·        Long Strategies are on the left and Short Strategies are on the right

o   This screen only displays 5 strategies


·        Select which spot you want to copy the strategy to and to the right, click on “Options”

o   It will overwrite and delete the strategy listed in that space

·        A new window will appear with approximately a dozen strategies.  Click on “Copy Strategy.”


In the top half of the window:

1)   Scroll down to the friend you want to copy from

o   It will take a few seconds to load and then you’ll see the strategies in the top half of the window change

2)   Select a radio button to select the strategy



In the bottom half of the window:

1)   Select a radio button for the strategy you want to copy over

2)   Enter a new strategy name if needed

3)   Hit Copy Strategy



·        You will be returned to the main Strategy Wizard page

·        Click the box in front of the strategy to activate it

·        Hit “Exit” from the Strategy Wizard

·        Go to your desktop and RIGHT click on Launch CoolTrade.exe and it will include your new strategy

·        Restart your Automated Trader to enable the new strategy to run




How to print a strategy


·        Go to your desktop and RIGHT click on Launch nswizard.exe

·        Sign in with your email address and password

·        Long Strategies are on the left and Short Strategies are on the right

o   This screen only displays 5 strategies

·       Select the strategy you want to print and to the right, click on “Options”




·        Click “Print Strategy”

·        The Print screen will open

·        Click on Printer icon  and your document will now print


Regina Guinn CoolTrade Article

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